The Chocolate Egg is an all-time favorite of kids, both big and small. Is there anything quite as fantastic, flexible or FUN, as the Chocolate Egg!??! They can be filled with everything from smooth peanut butter, decadent buttercream, creamy coconut, and fluffy marshmallow to the most decadent chocolate ganache, or even that divine combination of sweet/salty/crunchy roasted nuts... there is an egg for everyone! Chocolate Easter Eggs can be plain-jane...just simple, sweet little bites,, or they can be outrageously decorated works of art that are almost too pretty to eat! They can be molded, scooped, rolled, or sculpted and then covered with decorations or toppings only limited by your imagination. This all begs the question...
WHY isn't everyone making Chocolate Eggs?
I know why I wasn't making them.
They seemed like something that was too messy/time-consuming for something that was really basically an afterthought, a filler, a sidekick, basically. It wasn't the star of the show, like a lemon meringue pie, or mile-high coconut layer cake, or a sleekly enticing key lime pie. But, it's Easter, and I NEEDED Chocolate. So I decided to give it a try and see if I couldn't come up with some little side kicks worthy of the spotlight.
Do you know what I found out? They are a total snap! Like, ridiculously easy. Like, make them in 30 minutes and then "fight the urge to eat them all before the holiday, give up, eat them all, and make a whole new batch" EASY. Who knew?
Actually, lots and lots of people, since there are millions of recipes online. So I started my candy making journey.
For my first foray, I wanted to try peanut butter eggs, so I started with one of my tried and true sources for "traditional" desserts: "TASTE OF HOME" the site garaunteed to make you gain 5 lbs just reading the recipes, and the site that takes you back to potlucks in church basements, and the wedding showers that had a big bowl of pink punch that had a block of sherbert floating in the middle. I love Taste Of Home!
The first recipe I ever made was this one, and it is still the one I make today. No adaptions other than using Ghiradelli Chocolate Melts instead of the chocolate chips.
Seriously, that is it. They are perfect, easy, and they make just the right amount.
I make them a week in advance, and yes...we nibble through the week, but they are easy enough that I don't swat anyone away with my wooden spoon if they grab three and run out the door. So, go ahead and make a batch of these, they take no time at all, and if you have "helpers" just cover your counter with parchment, and clean up is easy peasy.
I also found these coconut cream eggs to be just as easy, so I made those too! They are crazy good.
After I had made all the free form "filled" eggs, I figured I may as well give the candy molds a try too. Guys, why am I not running a chocolate factory out of my kitchen?
These are even easier, and way fun to play with! I got some silicone molds, and my new found bestie, the Ghiradelli Melting discs and played around. A lot.
I melted some white chocolate and added natural dyes and some orange extract for a delicious creamsicle flavored orange chocolate. I tinted some a fresh green and added a bit of! Non-parielles? Sure! How about smidgens...I went back to the peanut butter egg recipe, and omitted the graham cracker crumbs, and then painted a coating of chocolate into my molds, placed a bit of the filling inside, then filled the molds the rest of the way with more melted chocolate.
Chilled until set. VOILA!
I had a ball playing with the candy, and I think they will actually be the star of the show this year! Because I also made truffles.
While not technically an "EGG" they could be, but I just couldn't resist rolling them into the classic truffle ball shape, and then using some pretty tinted coconut to coat the outside. Yes, these babies are for sure going to make the candy tray the hit of the dessert table this year. Mark my words! They may even become a new hobby, candy making is a whole new area for me to explore, so hang on...this could get interesting!
In the meantime, make truffles!!
Chocolate and heavy cream are the only ingredients you need. I rolled the finished truffles in some tinted coconut to make them festive, and I also rolled some in a mix of cocoa powder and powdered sugar. You can roll yours in nuts, or cover them in more chocolate too!
Dark Chocolate Coconut Truffles
8oz quality chocolate (Again, I opted for Ghiradelli), very finely chopped
2/3 cup heavy cream
Place the chocolate in a large heat proof bowl.
Warm the cream, over medium low heat on the stove or in the microwave.
When it is just below a simmer, carefully pour the cream over the chocolate.
Let the warm cream and chocolate sit for 5 minutes minutes.
Then stir until the chocolate has completely melted.
Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

Scoop the set truffle mixture into 2 teaspoon-sized mounds. Roll each into balls.

Roll each into coconut (if desired, or use any toppings you would like)

Cover tightly and store truffles at room temperature for 3-4 days or in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. They are best at room temp so take these out Easter morning, or at least an hour before serving to take the chill off and let the flavors develop.
Tinted Coconut:
Place a cup of sweetened shredded coconut in a ziploc bag. Add 2 tsp water, 2-4 drops food color depending on how bright. For the pink, I used 3 drops red and 1 drop blue. All others I did four drops, and that worked well. Zip up your bag, and shake and massage until all the coconut is evenly tinted, about 2 minutes. There you go, magic!
You can use this pretty coconut to make the truffles above, or to decorate a cake for Easter, like this totally over the top baby I made today (Yes, I have been binging the Great British Baking show, and yes, this is my showstopper)
Happy Easter everyone, I hope it's sweet.
XOXO, Ginger